Quantum Consciousness Awakening
Quantum Consciousness Awakening is a very deep and effective personal training that brings you awareness and your true Power back. Through this studies, where Science and Spirituality speak the same language, you learn about the functioning of the Body / Mind as a machine, a computer and learn to manipulate it with intelligence.
"The Power of healing is in all of us! " ~ Silvana da Cunha
By understanding how it works you start to became aware that you are not the machine but the One that inhabits this apparatus.
Silvana da Cunha, the founder of "Quantum Consciousness Awakening" says that; In this training, in addition to awakening to who you really are, you learn how to facilitate healings on yourself, on others and at a distance, in a simple and practical way.
See below the testimonies of students practicing the method:
"It was a few days ago that my daughter had a discomfort in the chest, she is doing tests to see what it can be." Today at 6.00AM with strong pain she asked for help and I applied the method. Later she gave me a call to tell me that she had no pain anymore! I want to thank you for this wonderful tool." ~ Cleeni Madalozzo
"Hi Silvana, my dear, I have applied the method to several people including my patients with excellent results. ~ Marcia Soares Werneck
"I did a different experience today My Notebook was 5 days locked, it just did not care. I thought; why not try? I applied his teachings and it worked again! I'm impressed" ~ Celio Fagundes Sobrinho
"Silvana, beloved, I follow you step by step without anxiety (this is already healing), feeling and anchoring your words and exercising the commands. In all the agitation that is my life, I am entering a very harmonious space and of total presence I am happy and deeply thankful for this opportunity." Namastê ~ Fatima Cabral